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Welcome to StudyGym

StudyGym is Gymnastics Victoria's Online Education Information Hub



Information for beginner, current and returning coaches.



  All you need to know about Judge Education and Accreditation.

  Updating Online


  Online education courses to complete when and where it suits you.

Great job opportunities in Gymnastics

Over 5,000 people are employed in gymnastics roles across Australia. Over 90% of these are coaches and many coaches work casually or part-time while at school or university. Ignine your career in gymnastics today!

Gymnastics Victoria Club, Coach and Judge Bulletin

Gymnastics Victoria's Club, Coach and Judge bulletin provides technical members with important updates, recent news and announcements. 

If you haven't received an email about signing into LearnGym or creating an account, please email

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Thank you for visiting our site - we look forward to you developing your skills and knowledge at StudyGym - an initiative of Gymnastics Victoria.


Designed by Gymnastics Victoria

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