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Teacher Professional Development

Are you a teacher interested in developing gymnastics in your school?


Gymnastics Victoria can offer tailored professional development sessions that will provide you with all the information you need.


We can tailor the session to suit the needs of your school and will ensure your teachers are providing a safe environment for your students. Our qualified presenter will also show you creative ways to teach with minimal equipment, different activities you can introduce and how to progress these skills through different grades.


Sessions can be delivered anywhere between 1 to 3 hours and are conducted at your school. The cost for the workshop is $85 per person.


If your school is registered as part of the Sporting Schools Programme teachers can attend a Launchpad: Ignite! Workshop. This is a 4 hour Gymnastics Victoria workshop (1 hour online + 3 hour face to face) covering modules in Neuro-nastics (brain development and movement) and each of the Dominant Movement Patterns (DMPs). This workshop aims to give teachers the knowledge you need to deliver Launchpad programs in schools. The Launchpad: Ignite! workshop is the minimum requirement for teachers delivering the Sporting Schools programme. Very practical and lots of fun, Launchpad: Ignite! will get you and your students moving!


The online module is $40 per person ($22 for pre service teachers) and face to face workshop is $100. If you would like to become a Launchpad accredited teacher click here. Once accredited you will receive access to the Gymskools Lesson Plan Builder and the Launchpad resources as part of your Sporting Schools funding.


If you are interested in running a professional development session at your school, please download the Teacher PD Request Form here and return to Gymnastics Victoria at 

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Thank you for visiting our site - we look forward to you developing your skills and knowledge at StudyGym - an initiative of Gymnastics Victoria.


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